The Game of Agency

Balanced Play, Balanced Cards

"Enjoy a game where balance in design and fairness of play reign supreme. With 'Agency,' say goodbye to 'chase' cards and hello to competitive integrity."

As a passionate enthusiast of both Magic: The Gathering and Hearthstone, I've had my fair share of experiences with these games over the last 25 years. Despite my love for them, I've found myself quitting Magic three times, only to restart my card collection four times. Similarly, my introduction to Hearthstone prompted me to buy my first iPad. However, despite the enjoyment I derive from both games, I've noticed persistent issues that warrant attention.

Magic, being the pioneering collectible card game (CCG) created 25 years ago, still grapples with design decisions that haven't aged well in the digital realm. Conversely, Hearthstone, designed for accessibility and targeting a casual audience, excels in simplicity and randomness, which fosters memorable experiences. Yet, both games adhere to the traditional "loot box" revenue model through card packs and lack meaningful player involvement in the narrative.

In addressing these shortcomings, I present Agency, a digital card game designed with the modern player in mind. Recognizing the prevalence of multitasking among users, Agency adopts a divided turn structure, allowing players to engage with the game even during their opponent's turn without excessive waiting.

Resource management, a cornerstone of card games, is reimagined in Agency through the innovative Bank mechanic. Unlike Magic's reliance on lands for mana or Hearthstone's predetermined resource gains, Agency offers a guaranteed resource curve that requires strategic investment rather than relying on luck of the draw.

Monetization in card games often leans on the randomness of card packs, leading to frustration and excessive spending. Agency addresses this by offering players direct purchase options for specific card packs, akin to the Living Card Game model, thus providing transparency and cost predictability.

Balance is crucial in any competitive game, and Agency's non-random card acquisition model eliminates the need for "chase" cards while allowing for frequent balance adjustments without disrupting the player's investment.

Narrative immersion sets Agency apart, offering players a chance to shape the game's story through their decisions. By involving the player base in determining key story points, Agency fosters a sense of ownership and engagement rarely seen in digital card games.

With Agency, we present a leap forward in digital card game design, offering a more accessible, engaging, and player-driven experience. Our aim is not just to create a game but to redefine the genre's standards and expectations. Join us on this journey, and together, let's shape the future of digital card gaming.