Into the Light.
Formed as a reaction to imperialist incursions into its territory dating back to the 1600s, the Church of the Sixth Sun remains a strong unifying force in Central and South America. After lessons learned by the South American peoples in its war with America in the 1800s, at the start of the Great War, the South American nations turned to this organization to serve as a unifying agent and symbol of their strength and resolve. The Sixth Sun leadership and its family provided security, singular purpose and unification, which led to advances in economic development and commoditization of natural resources, growth of infrastructure, and as a result, wealth and sophistication. Now, the nations of South America United (SAU) have ascended to the world stage, behind the family who got them there, led by their warrior and uniter as prophesied by their interrelated ancient cultures, the leader of the Church of the Sixth Sun, Francisco Julián Brito de la Velásquez, affectionately referred to as “El Presidenté.”
El Presidenté is working to establish SAU as a world power, and garner respect and deference on the world stage. The first step in that process is eliminating internal strife and disruption caused by foreign black market trafficking of drugs, guns and resources, and the gangs and dissident operators whose aim is to prevent unification of these nations. You are to investigate and then establish an external network to help Sixth Sun infiltrate and disrupt the foreign powers meddling in their affairs, and also to aid in tracing these networks onto their home soil.
Claudia Diez: is a beautiful, talented and shrewd agent, tasked by leadership to run international and domestic espionage operations, aimed at undermining the legitimacy of other nations in their sphere, mostly in the United States, Africa and Asia. Her job is protection of secrets of the motherland, dabbling in corporate espionage and also finding and exploiting the weaknesses of other nations. She is effective and leaves no messes when she completes an operation.
Agent Type: Inspector
Specialties: Infrastructure, Incursion, and Intelligence
Claudia’s Team:
Mina Miralles: Informant. Female, 30s, attaché in European Union countries, who works as a liaison to SAU’s diplomatic team in Europe, but who reports to Claudia on intel gathered through sources and back channel negotiations with African and European countries that come to Europe to discuss political solutions to international disputes.
Rodrigo Ordóñez: Prowler. Male, 40s, identity unknown outside the team. He is allowed to operate in secret as an advance-team agent who clandestinely travels to mission sites and runs up-front operations, reporting directly to Claudia on his progress. He is also sent on assignments to sensitive locales where Claudia cannot go, and is able to get into places most others cannot.